Fruit trees
This week, the Year 1 and 2 children have been completing assessments to help us to understand what their areas of strengths are and what we need to practise for the last few weeks of school. On Wednesday, we headed to the farm where we looked at all of the different fruit trees and described them. We had to hunt for each one and identify them on our list. We also fed the animals, planted some onions and had a chance to collect some potatoes to take home. We then headed to the beach and paddled in the sea which was great fun! In the afternoon, we had our final presentation of projects of the year. We also had the opportunity to go to the auditorium to practise for the Annie production. We are working hard to learn the songs ready for the end of year production. On Friday, lots of children left school early in order to go on the school trip to Vall De Nuria. The children who didn’t go can’t wait to hear all about the trip on Monday.
The older children began the week by consolidating their knowledge of apostrophes in Grammar. We looked at how apostrophes can be used for contracted words as well as to show possession of something. In Maths, we took our lessons outside to learn more about counting across 0 to negative numbers by using games of hopscotch. In PE we went to the Sports Centre in Llinars and played Pacman, which the children love, before taking part in some intense exercise. To finish the week, the class reminisced about their trip to the farm on Thursday by painting some lovely beach landscapes in the garden of the school.