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Winter theme

Today we welcomed back all our lovely extra curricular students to the farm, after a well deserved holiday! It was great finding out all of the fabulous presents that the Three Kings had brought everyone! Wow. Some lucky children. They have obviously been working very hard in our lessons of course! Class one and two are embracing the cold winter weather by learning winter themed vocabulary and learning to describe the type of clothes you would wear for this chilly weather!! Brrrr! Aran and Bruna got really stuck in during our visit to the garden and dug up lots of potatoes for everyone! In class three today the kids have started a new project on nature and the life cycle of plants. Carta made a beautiful wall hanging, filled with neatly written facts about plants and a colourful hand printed flowers. In the kitchen today Gabrielle taught the children her secret homemade recipe for cinnamon whirls! The experiment turned out a success, and the whole team were keen to be involved in weighing the ingredients. Jan loved forraging for potatoes; searching for the biggest of course! And inside the classroom Pau and Hugo both read the text about where plants get their energy to grow from. And helped each other out to interpret some of the tricky English! Great start back everyone! See you all next week!

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