New peacock
Today was a rather exciting day! We started today off by looking at all the fruit and vegetables on the farm, the peas have gotten really big. Theo even tried some peas, he thought they were really yummy. We also went on a hunt to try and find some more beans, the plants are really tall now. We then watered all the vegetables, Alex and Maria watered all the garlic. Aleix was very skilled at pulling up the leeks and was showing everyone else how it was done. Finally, we then picked some weeds for the animals, Maria and Elsa climbed up the hill too reach lots of weeds. They are good climbers.
Off to the animals we went! Where the children were able to see the new peacock, they thought it was really pretty. Aina went and collected the eggs, there were lots of eggs today. They also ran after the chickens, and picked them up. Alex enjoyed picking the chickens up, and so did Maria. Aleix gave Marc a lesson on how to ride the sheep, he’ll become a professional in no time!
We then made some tasty bread! The children enjoyed creating their own shape, Julia made the letter J. Also, Elsa and Alex made a plait which looked really good. When they were rising it was time to go inside for our New Year celebrations. We listened to the song ‘Gung Hei Fatt Choi’, which the children sang along too. It was then time to make our Chinese dragon. The children then coloured in their dragon, there were lots of colourful designs.
We then went and got our bread. They were scrummy!