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Home made tomato Ketchup

Another great day at Casa Nostra, continuing our dinosaur theme! We´ve been super busy and super creative. Not only have we made more scary dinosaur face masks, but we´ve used our hands to paint a fantastic giant Casa-Nostra-saurus, potato-printed baby dinosaurs and footprints, plus made brilliant wooden paperweights (that are so good we could probably sell them!)

Whilst out and about exploring the grounds of Casa Nostra, we also found a dove, held it and then set it free again. I wonder whether it will come to visit us again?

Down in the vegetable garden, we collected a huge amount of tomatoes and peppers, so that we could make our very own tomato ketchup. As soon as it was cool enough, we decanted it into jars for us all totake home and which we carefully decorated with our own labels. We´re all really looking forward to tasting it!

Everyone has worked incredibly hard here this afternoon to finish building the cow shelter. We got so muddy - it was hilarious! It was quite a job trying to get clean again before we could go in the swimming pool and then enjoy some home grown mouth-watering watermelon!

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