Nearly ready for the Christmas show!
This week in Early Years we have been very creative and have used different types of media to make Christmas decorations for the classroom! We are also learning about Winter and the clothes that we wear to wrap up warm. We have been practising for the Christmas show and we very much look forward to our production next week!
This week in Primary we have done plenty of practice for the show, it’s only a week way now! In Literacy we have been writing to Mother Christmas to ask for her help in organising some Christmas gifts. We have had to learn our addresses and use our best handwriting for the envelopes! We have also been making Christmas cards and decorations, as we won’t have much time for these things next week as we’ll be in the theatre.
In Geography this week in Geography class we talked about human evolution. We looked back to our ancestors and found out the first species of humans appeared more than 2 million years ago! So many things happened since then! We were born and lived in Africa for thousands of years but nowadays we are spread all over the world. From that we raised a question: Is life the same in all parts of the world? Looking through a photographic project* of children bedrooms in different parts of the world, we discussed how different life can be depending on where you are born. Furthermore, we talked about our time on Earth. We represented Earth’s age by only 12 hours clock: at 12 noon Earth appeared and now is 12 at night. We got astonished when we realised that despite we have been here for such a long time, if we compare to the age of the Earth, it’s like we’ve been in this planet for only 2 seconds!
*Check this project:
In History this week in History class we learned about the Anglo-Saxon society. We watched a video to learn about the social structure, having the peasant farmers on the bottom and the king and the aristocracy on the top of the hierarchy. During this time 98% of the population were poor and lived from the food they grew. We also learned that religion was very important for every people’s life.
Afterwards, we played at historians and tried to find information about common’s people life, specifically about their homes and about the role of women during that period. Archaeologists tell us many things about their villages and houses, however there is not much written about woman (we know they were in charge of making bread!). We compared life by then to today’s life. Not everything has changed!