Art topic: Starry Night
This week, the year 1 and 2s finished their report writing all about electricity. They put all of their writing, pictures and captions together and thought about the layout. We have begun our new topic which is diary writing. We explored the story The Journey, with the whole class including EYFS. It has no words so we had to make our own by looking at the pictures! In Maths, we have been problem solving using our knowledge of place value. The children enjoyed completing missing number sentences using their knowledge of number bonds to 20. We have been learning about Van Gogh for our Art topic. We read Katie and the Starry Night and created our own starry night pictures! We will look at Katie and the Sunflowers and Camille and the Sunflowers stories next week and have a go at drawing some flowers of our own.
In Maths, the older children began the week looking at how to compile data through pie charts, bar graphs and tally charts. This came in useful at the end of the week when, following our informative trip to the Mataro Waste Centre, we went out in the streets of Llinars to pick up litter. After this, we grouped the different materials together and displayed the total amount of each material collected in bar charts, before analysing the results. It was a very rewarding experience overall! In English, we looked at Homophones. These are groups of words that sound almost exactly the same but have completely different meanings, like For and Four for example. We also continued our work on the Romans. We learned about how vastly their Empire grew, covering almost all of Europe at its peak. We had fun learning about Roman Numerals and solving addition problems in this form.