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Spring has sprung and Easter activities have started at Casa Nostra. Today in class one, they had an Easter themed day before jetting off on their holidays. The sun was shining so they started off in the garden and planted some parsley. They really enjoyed being able to pot plants for the first time. They followed by visiting the animals, where the kids were so excited to meet Bonnie the new bunny. Together they baked a dessert baguette of chocolate. They got crafty in the classroom and made an Easter bunny bookmark which introduced origami to the kids and parents. They personalised their bunnies and not one of them was the same! In class two the girls started the day identifying and matching colours. Their knowledge of the English names really impressed teacher Jo! With the weather staying warmer for a little longer, we had a nice slow walk around the farm making sure they got to visit all the animals to give them a cuddle and make sure they got a nice snack! Back in the class room, the girls got to design their own British passport. And discussed where they were going on their holidays! Class three started a new unit, looking at shapes. Everybody learnt all the names of 2d shapes and then went for a shape hunt around the garden, the kids identified shapes like circles, triangles; squares and they drew the object that they saw. They were excited about using the new clipboards and were really focused in their drawings. In the classroom they created 3d shapes using nets and learnt a funny, memorable poem describing shapes. Great start to the week! :)

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