Cookie, a new baby in the farm
We started our new week at Granja Escola with a delightful new addition to the farm, our female goat gave birth to a beautiful baby!! It is a gorgeous, little fluffy white bundle of joy, we are deciding between, snowy or cookie! Which one do you think?! Today in class two They were learning, about he parts of the body! Today they focused on learning facial features, and made some wonderful face collages! At the end of the day we sang lots of songs that involved learning body vocabulary, they all joint in and sand their hearts out, good job! Class three carried on looking at he theme of animals, but more closely today by reading, feeling and talking about their different coats and body parts. The children then put different animal images into categories, based on whether they have scales, fur or feathers! Cata loved the feeling of the fur and did well at organising them. After a twirl around the farm; visiting the baby goat, collecting cauliflower and baking cinnamon whirls, they each wrote to say what was their favourite reptile, mammal and bird. They all did this activity really well and then drew a little picture if they weren't sure of the correct name! Hopefully next week everyone will be able to go in with the new baby goat and have a little cuddle! See you all next week!!