Planting cauliflower
What a wonderful day we had today at the Casa Nostra! We welcomed 5 new bright students!! In Egle's class - Marc, Paula, Lucia and Marta. Antonia's class was joined by Carla.
In Antonia's class, the children made crocodiles, baked calzone and planted cauliflower. Pau was amazing at feeding the animals, and the crocodile he coloured in was really precise and impressed the teacher. Orion is always a superstar when it comes to concentrating, today he matched all the zoo animals to their names. Carla was new today but worked really hard, counting to five on her own and making the best calzone. Superb!
In Egle's class the children were discussing about animals and what they can do. Then, everyone went to make some flapjack. Since we already made similar snack before, Emma and Uriol were professional bakers today and made the most delicious flapjack we have ever ate on this farm! Then they all planted cauliflower, watered the garden and picked aubergines and peppers to bring home. Emma, Paula and Uriol rode Perla. Rai was excellent at feeding the chickens. Back in class, everyone worked in pairs to discuss their own abilities and Marco with Uriol finished first, followed by Rai and Marc. Excellent!
The teachers were extremely proud of all the students today. Well done, keep up the good work!..and come back tomorrow! :)