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Lobsters and crabs

A sea of time ahead of us still though we have been keeping busy and had another day full of educational activities that are fun. Having mentioned that, our oldest submariners took a closer look at rivers as the source of water and where the ten most famous seas are located in the world. There was also a beach crossword team competition in which everybody did quite well!

The lovely open space outside the classroom got artsy as the pirates from Jo’s class made another original artwork painting of lobsters and crabs with red paint prints of their hands and feet. Which nicely followed after learning ninet them and other animals that live under the sea.

The little sailors already know many a sea shanty and today they added a new one to their repertoire and learned how to count to ten. They blind pinned a tentacle to an octopus and listen to stories from far away across the ocean.

A big highlight was our sheep getting sheared. It surely feels much better these days without that big wooly jumper that the children shared out to take home.

All our brownies were delicious once again and hungrily eaten by everyone as usual though they were especially dedicated to Chloe who turned 9 today. She had her extra pieces already in the morning with a homemade nine when everybody sung happy birthday to her. She had a lot of fun on our little improvised disco where everyone danced out the last energy they had left in them.

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