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Four seasons pizza

Welcome back to the Tuesday group and what a fun time it’s been for everyone. We’ve planted even more onions and had some great restaurant standard cooking as well as some creative genius.

As it has been very sunny and warm today, we made sure the plants, vegetables and herbs were all in good health and watered. We also picked a whole wheelbarrow of weeds, which Bruna and Cata helped to bring to the animals. We counted 26 Artichokes today, with help from Banu, which is the same amount as we had last week despite picking seven in the past few days! We’re very happy with how the green beans and potatoes are coming along too, and we snacked on some freshly picked peas.

When we were with the animals, Jordi started by getting a nice dinner together for the chickens and throwing it around their pen. Then, we found which must be our biggest egg collection yet! We had to fill two baskets because we had so many. Some were brown as well, which means all the different types of chickens are starting to lay eggs. Gina, Sara, Judit and some other brave riders took Perla on adventures in and around the donkey houses, whilst we also treated Valentine, Violeta and Estrella to some weeds and snacks. Then we took the food to the goats and sheep. Baby Floret the goat has been jumping higher than ever- he jumped right on to Cata’s back and is really comfortable around the people who visit him. He’s also starting to grow tiny little horns!

After the animals, we turned the kitchen into something that you’d see in an Italian restaurant, we got all the ingredients together and made some perfect pizzas using our favourite ingredients, including freshly picked spinach.

Like how we used different seasons on the pizzas, we created a painting of the four seasons today. We learnt about Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, and made some lovely pictures. We also read about Oliver’s trip round his Grandpa’s vegetable garden, picking vegetables from all the seasons before finding his favourite potatoes.

The day finished with some lovely singing accompanied by Siobhan’s guitar playing, before picking up our pizzas and going home happy!

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