Pinata day
Today was very exciting for the children as it was finally time to hit the pinata to see who would be able to burst it and get the treats inside! They lined up and each had turns swinging the stick to try to knock the pinata off the string. In the end Mario was the one to succeed and sweets, glitter an coffetti exploded everywhere. We then played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey which involved the children taking turns to be blind folded then spun around three times, they then had to walk forward with a donkey tail and try to pin it on to a huge picture of a donkey - whilst still blind folded. We wrote their names whereever they pinned the tail and Aleix won as he got it perfectly in place, then Andrea won the next game as she got it the closest. Throughout the morning we also did lots of craft activities. Before breakfast the younger children were making face masks of their favourite animals, these included lots of cheeky monkeys! The older children carried on with an activity of making pom-poms out of different coloured wool, they then turned them into animals such as sheep and spiders. After breakfast some kids made a rocket out of a cardboard box and painted it then sprinkled it with glitter, while the others went to the vegetable garden. In the vegetable garden Gerard found the biggest tomato and biggest corgette ever! We were very impressed and it will feed the whole summer camp next week. It was then time to cool off after all the excitment and hardwork and take a dip in the pool. After lunch we made aliens to go inside the rocket and fire that came out of the bottom. The older children also taught the younger children how to make the woolen pom-poms. Some more of the world circuit boards were completed and the children were able to take them home. The other children made animal finger puppets, which were cats, dogs, lions and tigers.