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Spring time


We have had a week of celebrations - we made cards for Fathers’ Day on Tuesday and then enjoyed the first official day of Spring yesterday! We went on a ‘Spring Hunt’ to search for signs of Spring. The children enjoyed working together to look outside for items on their lists. We successfully found flower buds, flowers, blossom on trees, green leaves, birds and a birds nest. We did not see any ladybugs or lambs but we will be looking for these and other signs of Spring on the way to school or if we go somewhere at the weekend with our families for example. We are getting very good at identifying and making shapes and numbers and we enjoyed making number cookies in Cooking class this week - yum! Now we are using the cookie cutters with our playdough too.


Another week of hard work for us. We have been continuing our previous learning and we have written a weather report for the magazine, as well as working on more exotic locations for our project presentations. We have just about finished our Sant Jordi stories ready to send off for printing. In Numeracy we have continued to look at multiplication facts, fractions, and some of us have been looking at understanding tenths as decimal numbers. In PE we are demonstrating our understanding of beat and rhythm and developing some simple dance moves of our own. Work on Matilda continues, it’s hard work! Antonia helped us make Father’s Day cards, we hoped you enjoyed them!



In Language we have looked at improving our non-fiction writing by using conjunctions to link our paragraphs, and to adopt a more formal tone through using the passive voice. In Literature we have carried on reading and answering comprehension questions that show a deeper level of understanding and interpretation.


After solving problems with linear equations, Level 3 is solving Inequalities, that is, the procedure is almost the same as with equations but with a bigger than or smaller than sign (>, <). Level 2 has continued with adding and subtracting Fractions. Level 1 is factorising with Prime Numbers: this is going to be useful for many years.

In Geometry they have used their knowledge about angles, Level 1 the drawing with protactor, Level 2&3 the Bisecting and dividing the Circle into Polygons to make a big Circle divided into twelve slices. After doing a draft they draw it bigger because it was going to be used at Physics.


They have continued learning on why on Wednesday Spring has started, and all the lines we have on the Earth Globe: Equator, Cancer Tropic, Capricorn Tropic, Arctic Circle, Antartic Circle. We have done experimenting with a lamp as the Sun and three Globes at the position in the different seasons to calculate the Daylight Time at different cities in the World. For this we have used the Circle divided into 12 angles that they had done at Geometry.


On Wednesday they have done an exam about Elements (Metals, Non-Metals, Alloys), the main properties and symbols. We have started the chapter about Acids (in daily life and at the laboratory and Industry) and Alkalis.


This week we have talked Cells as building blocks of life. They have learned about the main parts of a cell (nucleus, cytoplasm and cell membrane) and their function. And they have worked on the difference between animal cells and plant cells.


This week we practised finding grid references on a map and we realised how useful it is when looking for specific places. Afterwards, we learnt to measure the distance between two places on a map. For this, we need a strip of paper so we can mark the straight-line distance between places (as the crow flies) or the distance by road or train, and then, we just need to compare it with the scale and we will find out the real distance. At the end, when we finished all our work, we listened to a beautiful song about freedom, from the movie “The prophet” (Kahlil Gibran).


This week we finished the student presentations of important women in History. Today’s turn was for Hypatia and Edith Piaf (we enjoyed ourselves with the song “Je ne regrette rien”). Then, we started the next unit. For this, we went back in time to find William of Normandy. He was the winner of the battle of Hastings, but what is he going to do now? He is surely in a dangerous position, his army has killed the English king after all, and probably someone will want revenge.

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