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Medieval Topic

This week in English, the children have been planning the beginning, middle and end to their stories. They wrote the beginning using conjunctions, adjectives and detail to interest the reader. They will continue with their stories next week.

In Maths, they have been continuing to count in tens and recognise numbers up to 40 (some children even know their numbers up to 100 now!). We used the symbols < and > to compare numbers. We talked about how they are a bit like a hungry dragon’s mouth; the dragon would want to eat the larger number so we would write it like this: 68 < 79.

For our presentation on Friday, we shared our learning on the Medieval topic, talking about the castles we made and using subject specific vocabulary, singing the Grand Old Duke of York and showing the shields we made. In Literacy, the older children continued to study the Medieval period, focusing on Knights and the Code of Chivalry, which was a set of rules that knights swore to uphold whilst protecting the citizens in their towns. Later in the week, we looked at what a knight's daily routine was, and wrote diary entries as knights to portray these daily activities.

In Maths, we began our topic of Algebra, and all the children focused really hard on perfecting their strategies in this tricky subject.

In PE, we helped each other perfect our forward rolls using yoga mats for comfort.

The older children showed us all how to make a homemade water filter using sand, gravel and rocks at the presentation of projects on Friday. They also performed brilliantly in their recital of a French poem that they had been learning. A huge thank you to Emy for all her help in practicing this with the children.

All of the children had a fantastic time on our school trip to the History museum in Barcelona. We looked at different stages of Medieval Life, including the homes of peasants and the heavy armoury knights had to carry around. We also made our own badges with an emblem that represents who we are. It was a very special day out.

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