Human body
Class 1 today were looking at the theme of nature; by crafting their own green and glittery frogs... using the shape of their hands as feet! The children also had a good roam around the garden; planting potatoes in the soil. Now that we've collected all of the potatoes we have - it's time to start a new cycle! Young Bernat was particularly smiley today, and we're delighted to see him coming out his shell in the class a little more! In class 3 today, everybody labelled an image of a human body... and took it in turns to draw the body parts and find the right word to match. Marco was particularly impressive with his vocabulary in this activity! We then discussed the senses and what is the function of our nose, mouth, ears etc! Darrek enjoyed thinking of examples and helping others to understand, too. The children then passed around various objects, like soft furr, perfume, and sour lemon to talk about how they feel, smell, taste etc... well done children!