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Christmas hats

We had another beautiful day at Casa Nostra, and even the rain didn't stop us from having fun!

Class 1 made glitter pine cones and leaf rubbings. Artistic Ian and his cousin Martina made amazing pine cones. Lila, Sofia and Adria all bought their favourite toys to introduce to the class and they helped making the biscuits in the kitchen. Lluc and Guillem loved feeding the chickens and Arnau's English was astounding- he explained to the class how to say "Father Christmas".

In class 2 with Jo they learned a few little facts about reindeers- How to say it in English and how to write the word, Berta and Esteles handwriting was perfect! They then made reindeer hats with antlers which they are going to use as costumes for their Christmas performance, which they practiced singing '5 little reindeers prancing in the roof!' Everyone tried their best to sing the words! Everyone coloured in their hats brilliantly! However they didn't quite keep to the traditional colours of a reindeers! And Txell obviously had to use her favourite colour pink!

Class 3 made lovely Christmas hats to wear for their performance. Alba, as ever, was first to finish and crafted very well.

Paula wrote her Christmas joke very neatly, and read it aloud beautifully. Pau did very well at interpreting the jokes, having a good giggle once he understood.

Down at the chicken house, Laura found an egg. And just before heading home, Carla helped the teacher to tidy up the Christmasy mess of the classroom.

That's it for now and we look forward to see you soon!

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