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Potato stamp

Today we had lots of nice activities in Casa Nostra and the students learnt and improved a lot.

In group one everyone did a good job, Gael sang all the song by memory. Maria did a good job by coloring in activity. Valentina was amazing with the animals and fed the chickens. Marc already knew lots of fruits and vegetables in English and today he learnt some more words. Joan was nice to animals and fed Perla our donkey. And Quim was really good to animals too and he fed goats. They one who rode Perla in this group was Maria.

In group two Marc and Bianca wrote the names of vegetable and fruits and they learnt how to spell them. Teo, Quim and Mar learnt how so say out loud the new words and how to pronounce them correctly in English. Everybody did a good job to sort the vegetables and fruits specially Bianca and Marc, they helped also to their classmates. Today they all sang the song “one potato, two potatoes” with the real potatoes.

In group three everybody was so good and participate in the activities. We can mention Nuria who did a good job for matching the vocabularies. David and Alejandro helped a lot in backing. Aleix rode Perla, Chloe fed the chickens and was really nice with them.

We had another amazing day in Casa Nostra and looking forward to see you soon.