Robot's Shapes
We've managed to make it all the way to Thursday of Robot Week without getting any rusty nuts'n'bolts! Hooray. Everyone at Casa Nostra was excited to see a real life robot (a yellow digger) visit the school site today. Making way for more beautiful trees to be planted. Class 3 were top of the robot scrap heap today, creating their own coded language and writing a secret coded message to the new best friends they've made here at Farm School. The tricky part came when their friends had to decode the message themselves and all wished they had robots in the class to help them. Class 2 have used all their robot knowledge from the week to turn their (metal) hands to engineering. Led by master robot maker Jo, the class got to design their own robot. It even had moving limbs and joints! Class 1 are using robot week to learn what shapes make the perfect robot, after four days of practice the teachers knew their English was perfect enough for the young students to make their own robot out of; toilet rolls, tin foil and card. Everyone is excited to throw some shapes together and dance like robots tomorrow, so stay tuned!