Planting watermelons
We had a lovely Thursday farm school for the older children. We were excited to learn that we were planting watermelons today. We first started off with feeding the chickens and we went to spy on the new chicks. They were hungry so we fed them. Aleix carefully removed each chick from the box and put them in the feeding tray. Gillem gave the chicks some water to drink.
Then we spent some time with the sheep and goats. Before we got there we took turns pulling each other along in the green trolley. Floquet did not want to be picked up today but we made sure he had plenty to eat.
Over to the vegetable garden we went and we planted the water melons. Aleix dug the holes in the ground with the dibber while everyone took their turn in planting each watermelon. We wound our way with the trolley over to the kitchen to make some chocolate muffins. We all took our turn adding some ingredients. Then everyone spooned an even amount of mixture into the muffin cases.
We followed up our cooking activity with creating our super superheroes. Aina drew her hero to look like a bird who had the ability to fly and make fire with her hands and eyes. Alejandro wrote some very good sentences on his own about his superhero. We especially liked that his superhero could freeze people with his voice.