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Delicious bread

Welcome back to our Tuesday farm school, where we´ve been very creative with dragons, fish, baking and some serious farming!

After a great welcome to the group and a walk around the vegetables, we started the afternoon by planting some new strawberries, adding to our ever growing collection one plant at a time. Cata and Gina did plenty of planting, whilst everyone else managed to have a go too. Once we had planted a whole row, we made sure all the vegetables were watered and healthy. We also had a look at all our newest additions- some artichokes, peas and beans are coming through and looking great! As a team we picked a cauliflower and kept the leaves for the animals.

We fed the chickens the food leftovers, this is one of their favourite meals so they were very happy. We also introduced everyone to our newest animal, the amaxing peacock! He only just moved in this weekend, so its settling in to his new home before the arrival of some more peacocks. We marveled at his fantastic feathers and wonderful paterns on his body, what a great new friend! Joan, Banu, and lots of others took the opportunity to ride Perla, she took them on some great adventures around the donkey houses and got a lovely treat in return.

Todays baking activity was bread, we made some wonderful paterns and shapes befor emoving to the creative activity. As it is nearing Chinese new year we have been learning about how it is celebrated. This includes learning the Chinese new year song, which we listened to before learning the wonderful story about how the animals are chosen for each year. We all learnt that the rat won the race for being the most clever! This was followed by making some beautiful dragons and fish, using card, paper, stencils and a whole spectrum of colour.

Thanks to all the effort we have some great creations and bread to go home with. See you all next week!

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