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Floating boats

Our day began with picking all the potatoes, we had to dig deep in the soil to find the bigger potatoes and used the tools. Maria and Judith were successful at finding some of the biggest potatoes. We pulled up some tasty spinach.

Blanca and Gerard helped gather the food to feed the sheep and goats. Aleix managed to balance on the sheep and ride around on his back.

Then we found out that the Three Kings had visited the school because they had left behind a present for all of us. We were delighted to have the chance to open the presents and discover the picture books.

It was Julia´s eighth birthday today, so we celebrated with a cake and we sang Happy Birthday to her. The cake was delicious!

We learned about floating and sinking when we built some boats out of paper, card and sellotape. We wanted to find out who could build the strongest boat that could hold as much weight as possible. We used plasticine to make weights to put in the boats. Judith came second with the strongest boat but then Jordi came first, he managed to fit nearly forty passengers on his boat. It was fun to see how well the boats managed to stay afloat.

Even though it was very windy we still managed to go outside and play. Maria, Judit and Judit enjoyed playing on the trampoline. We counted and said commands such as sit down, spin around and hop on one foot. They really enjoyed it and learnt lots of new English words.

To finish the day we drew lots of pretty pictures. Txell drew some flowers, Julia drew a picture with the seasons on it and Judit drew some snowy mountains. They all then had fun colouring in the pictures.


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