Planting lettuce and parsley
Today has been a fun filled espectacle of a Saturday! We were lucky enough to see the sun shining again which meant we spent a lot of time outside having fun.
First of all we had a variety of vegetables to plant. Lettuce and Parsley were on the agenda, and we made sure they were planted securely and well watered for growing. We planted the parsley close to the water supply to make sure it would flourish. Then, we proceeded to water evey vegetable. The potatoes are coming along nicely so we all got to have a good look at them. We had another job to do as well, we needed to remove all the old bean plants to make space for the new ones. We filled a whole wheelbarrow and took them up to Perla and her friends for a nice brunch.
Perla was so happy that she gave those who wanted to a ride around the paddock. Lots of the group were interested in the chickens today, Luca has become a real pro at Picking them up safely and sometimes he even had two at once! We had a good look at all the ducks as well before leaving. After making sure we filled a wheelbarrow with some lovely food for the goats and sheep, we headed up there with Sara hitching a ride inside!
The sheep are growing some lovely wool for the winter and we all enjoyed having a good feel of it, The sheep and goats were thankful for their food so we had a play at outdoor activities next door. Some of us climbed, some went on the see saw or the swings, then we all had a bounce on the trampoline. We came up with some fun improvised games, including the waking up game on the trampoline.
Afterwards it was time to bake some cookies, which turned out to be our best yet. Taking it in turns to add diferent parts of the mixture, we made sure it was perfect before making our own unique shapes and letters. The results were fantàstic and everyone got to take some home!
After the baking, we had a lovely outdoor game of Snakes and Ladders, with the big mat to play on and the oversized foam dice for throwing. It was our closest game ever, at one point we had three people on the sames pot right by the end, but again Judit won, making her this weeks champion. A fun game followed by another quick bounce on the trampoline, before heading inside to sing ´Five Speckled Frogs´ using the projectore and speakers to help us learn. We all put in the effort to learn and everyone was really good at shouting out the numbers and taking them away from five.
We´re sure everyone went home happy, and with a cookie in hand there´s no better way to go home! See you next week!