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Broadbeans and peas

What a lovely day today at the farm! We had a great time planting broadbeans and peas. We put 2 broad beans in each hole and 3peas in each hole. Maria and David are experts at digging the holes and Gina and Txell worked hard to make sure everything was watered. Aneu, Asier and Arnau did some weeding and put the weeds in the wheelbarrow to give to Perla and the others. Mae helped with all the jobs and made sure the chickens got lots of food. Today was very exciting for the children as it was their first time to meet Peppa, our new pig. We fed her lots of scrap food and she loved it! We made sure that the pond had enough water and Arnau enjoyed pretending to be a fireman with the big hose, splashing us all! It was great fun! The children enjoyed singing our song about rainbows and made beautiful hand print flowers. We had lots of fun today and we were glad the sun was shining. See you all next week!

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