Treasure hunt
Just as we had hoped for, one of the chicks hatched from its shell this morning - we were so excited! The chick looks so cute and we all love holding him/her (we don´t know whether it´s a boy or a girl yet!) Hopefully, some more of the chicks will hatch tomorrow - we´ll have to wait and see…
Well overnight, some pirates came to Casa Nostra and buried some super precious treasure. Our challenge this morning was to find it, but in order to do this, we had to win pieces of a jigsaw to build a giant map of Casa Nostra (with where the treasure was buried marked on it). To win pieces of the jigsaw was no easy task; we had to undertake tricky quests such as hula hooping for one minute, getting an apple out of a bowl of water using only our mouths and doing the same with sweets in a bowl of flour. We successfully conquered each of the quests and then managed to work together to complete the jigsaw map. Finding the buried treasure was still no easy task though, eventually we found it by digging deep into the soil bank by the vegetable patch. Victorious, we charged back up to the house to share our precious loot - sweets! Well done everyone!
We,ve also had a fabulous time playing in the swimming pool (we´re so glad it stopped raining), collecting eggs, making pirate badges and other pirate-themed crafts, as well as playing on the cars and tractors. Some of the children even made fantastic plasticine creatures - Ariadna´s was particularly impressive! What an action-packed day!