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Baby chicks

Today we started off our day by baking lovely chocolate nutella cookies all the children helped measure the flour, sugar and chocolate.

We then went to our vegetable garden we watered all of our plants, we picked some strawberries, onions and beans.

We visited all the animals such as our goats and sheep and they all got to ride Perla the donkey.

We played with our new building blocks the children made houses, castles and very tall towers from them they are very good for their imagination.

We read stories for the children such as beauty and the beast, the giant turnip and the 3 little pigs.

We practiced our songs and dance activities again together such as farmer wants a wife, ring a ring a rosie and row row row the boat.

The children got to take home a baby chick each today they were all very excited.

The children then ran around the garden to catch bubbles as we blew them.

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