Children's Island
The children started the day by making an excellent island in the mud, which they named the ´children´s island´. They worked very hard digging, patting and moulding the mud to make the perfect island. To finish the marvellous creation they added water from the hose to make a river. All the children had so much fun working together as a team and they loved getting muddy!
Next the children planted some lettuce´s in the garden, the children enjoyed counting them especially Maria! After, they all pretended to be a fireman and carried the big yellow hose and watered the artichoke´s and all the fruit trees. The children then took it in turns to see who could spray the water the furthest. Guillem and Aleix squirted the water really far, but they got very wet too! Also, we collected all the weeds near the fruit trees to give to Perla, we had lots and lots. Jordi, Guillem and Aleix then took it in turns to push the wheelbarrow to Perla to give them their tasty treat. Maria went collected the eggs and placed them carefully in her basket to take them to the kitchen. Guillem and Aleix enjoyed catching the chicken´s and ducks and stroking them.
After, the Halloween activities begun! The children were given some sticky clay and asked to make a Halloween figure. Judit and Sarah made a bowel, Jordi and Sergi made a candle and the rest of the children made a pumpkin. All the creations were fantastic and some were even spooky! When the clay figures were in the oven we peeled some apples to make apple sauce, it was very sticky but lots of fun! When the clay dried we were then able to paint them, this is when the figures started to look really good! We then placed them in front of the fire for the paint to dry, so they would be all finished by the time the day was over. To end the day the children were placed in pairs and took it in turns to turn one another into mummy´s. One this was finished, all the children deserved a treat but they had to place their hand into the ´mystery bowel´.
Today was such a fun and eventful day, we can´t wait to have lots more fun next week!