Pirate theme week
Today we welcomed to our team at Casa Nostra, our new teacher Brad, and many happy new faces. We started the day, by making our very own pirate hats and eye patches, ready to set sail on our pirate-themed week. Still dressed as pirates, we crept down to the vegetable garden and turned our hands to digging for treasure - aubergines, peppers and tomatoes! We also buried treasure in the vegeatble garden by planting winter crops of lettuce and onions. As ever, we had the most fun getting muddy and watering the plants as well as each other. Whilst some children had a fun time splashing in the swimming pool, others made friends with our gorgeous donkeys- Perla and Valentin. Valentin seems to be getting bigger every day but we are still waiting for our baby chicks to hatch from the incubator in the kitchen at Casa Nostra. Maybe, they´ll make their way into our pirate-themed world tomorrow - we´ll have to wait and see! As well as collceting vegetables for lunch, we went on a mission to collect eggs from the chickens for Maria to make her delicious omelettes for lunch. This afternoon, we became exceptionally competitive playing bingo - the silence that fell on Casa Nostra as we waited to see who the winner would be, was deafening! We´ve also had a great time played traditional board games, making and more importantly, eating cake, as well as bouncing ontthe trampoline. We´re really looking forward to seeing everybody again tomorrow, but it will be a bit sad saying goodbye to Karen and Seren, who we have loved having here.