All about Christmas
This week, it's been all about Christmas! We have been writing letters to santa, making Christmas cards and decorating our classroom full of Christmas crafts! We were lucky to have two parents volunteer on Friday to help us to make salt dough Christmas ornaments; thank you Cynthia and Maria! We can't wait to decorate them next week! This week we have also been working hard on our Christmas performance ready for next Tuesday. We can't wait to show you our Christmas play!
The older children had lots of fun learning about coordinates in Maths this week. When we gained a deeper understanding of how x and y axis' works, we played games of Battleship, which everyone really loved! Later in the week we looked at how we can use coordinates to translate whole shapes to different areas of a grid using positional instructions.
In Literacy we read a short book called Baby Jesus' Christmas Party, which tells the nativity story from the Innkeepers perspective. We then wrote diary entries as the Innkeeper, retelling our account of the night Jesus was born.
We looked at different ways to make Christmas Pop up cards in Design and Technology, and will continue to do these until next week.
On Friday, the school went into Llinars market to perform songs from our Christmas play to the public. We raised lots of money for our end of year trip, and everyone had a great time.