Welcome to the new school
What a fantastic first week at school we have all had! We were all excited to see the new school and start the new academic year. Throughout the week, we have been learning phonics; for some of us, this is new learning so the more experienced children have been helping out. We have been learning about our local area and discussing the things we might see and next week we will go for a walk to find out about the area.
In English, we have been learning about fairy tales; listening to a number of familiar stories, retelling them in our own words, sequencing the story and writing about our favourite parts.
In Maths, we have been learning to count forwards and backwards up to 10. We played a game where we had to roll a dice then count forwards and backwards from that number. We also went outside and practised counting Autumnal objects in the playground.
It's really important at the start of the year that we learn to write our names, hold our pens properly and form letters correctly so we have been working on our fine motor skills and we all completed a cutting activity about Autumn where we had to cut curved and straight lines. Please encourage your child to practise writing their names and the letters that we have been learning (this week, we learnt s, a, t and p).
It's been an exciting week, not dampened by the drizzly weather, and we are looking forward to next week and the adventures that await us!
In Key Stage 2, we have had a productive and enjoyable week. The children have begun learning about Ancient Greece. In History, we have highlighted areas of Ancient Greek life that we want to learn more about, and have looked at and discussed artefacts that would have been used by an Ancient Greek soldier. In English, we have been reading and discussing Greek myths and legends, beginning with the story of Pandora's Box. In Art, we had fun creating our own Greek pattern drawings which we have used to help decorate our Topic display wall. We ended the week on a high note by making delicious crepes during our Golden Time on Friday afternoon.