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Today class 1 looked at the theme of nature. We made beautiful fish while working out sea vocabulary such as fin , scales and eyes. We then carried on our nature theme to make leaf shortbread in the kitchen. Noa and Jan were great with the donkey. Very gentle and kind. Noah was very creative with his fish and knowlegable about other sea creature's names! Class 2 started off with a little food themed word search, helping them to recognise how to spell the names of different kinds of food like ice cream, pizza and the one they all knew, chocolate!! Then they made a plate collage of all their favourite types of food, Banu had so many favourites she had to made 3 plates! After finished all their hard work they got to relax on the new soft play area and read some books! And in class 3 everybody labelled an image of a human body... and took it in turns to draw the body parts and find the right word to match. They then discussed the senses and what is the function of our nose, mouth, ears etc. Carta enjoyed thinking of examples and Hugo understood well. The children then passed around various objects, like soft fur perfume, and sour lemon to talk about how they feel, smell and taste! In the garden all the children got to pick a lovely crispy lettuce! Salad is on the menu tonight!

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