Cinnamon whirls
Class 1 today focused on learning winter clothes... by colouring in pictures of hats, scarves and other warming wear! The children all then did a matching activity, where they stuck the names to the images. Naiara showed good understanding and gave her best shot! In the kitchen the team cooked up some delicious smelling cinnamon whirls, Oriol was all engaged and enjoyed himself as he rolled out the pastry! Class 3 today were a bunch of jumping beans! The day started by telling the teacher what presents they recieved for Christmas, all sounded great you lucky children! After this the class moved onto our theme of plants. The kids, one by one labelled a painting of a flower... helping each other to spell the different parts of the plant. Rai was super enthusiastic to get to the board and do some writing! To accompany this, the children learnt a new song with a catchy melody, all about the functions of the roots, stem, and leaves of a plant. Everybody gave the song a great attempt! Well done all! And finally, the team individually read aloud a different fact about plants, which Darrek did wonderfully!