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Oliver's fruit salad

It's the end of the first week at Casa Nostra Extracurricular English lessons. We've planted potatoes, baked and created our own pizzas as well as learning new English words and using them around the farm. Class 1 started their Saturday by reading the book "Oliver's Fruit Salad" and colouring in their own fruit bowls. Ian Moya's art and colouring was very impressive and we can't wait to see how he progresses this term. Toni Torres was fantastic with the animals, knowing the English names for chicken and donkey. Sofia Martinez rode Pearla the donkey, and was very grown up and helpful throughout the day. Lola Qunitana was chatty and sociable, she always impresses with her English skills. But class superstar of the day was Martina who was an amazing cousin and responded clearly in English to our questions. Class 2 has a busy day with animals, pizza and learning. Teacher Ariana told us that Txell Noe was very brave riding the donkey. But her class superstar award goes to Estella who's English was very impressive, with an ability to translate instructions and inform the rest of her class mates. Class 3 continued their exploration of plant based vocabulary. Pauls Jimenez was astounding at the English vocabulary, knowing it well and using it regularly and correctly throughout the day. Alba Urquiza and Alan Freijo both rode the donkey on their own, with Alan even managing a galloping trot. Class superstar was Pau Gracian who was an amazing chef, creating the best pizza from scratch on the farm kitchen.

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