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Planting potatoes

Everyone is back to school and so are we at Casa Nostra! One more brilliant day learning everything veggies!

Group 3 started their day by introducing themselves and telling each other all about their famílies, their hobbies, their likes and dislikes. After the chat they began to learn all about different vegetables and played a game where they had to learn vocabulary, matching diferent vegetable names with pictures. They all did super well, learning over 20 different vegetables, wow! Next, they went to bake some pizza and everyone got to shape their own, adding the toppings of their choice. It turned out delicious! They then went to the garden to plant potatoes, water aubergines and pick some peppers to bring home for their mums and dads. They also visited donkeys, ponies, chickens, dogs, goats and sheeps in the farm. After all the hard work was done, they finished off by colouring in their vegetables and sharing their experiences.

Meanwhile group 1 have had a super fun potatoe themed afternoon. They have been learning all about potatoes. Their started by learning how to plant the potatoes in the garden.Then they came back to the class to make some amazing art work – using potatoes they cut out some crazy shapes which then were submerged into paint, making potatoe print forest, what a fantastic idea! They also have been learning to count with potatoes which made the learning even more fun. After that they baked yummy pizza of their own and visited the farm where they got to ride Perla, the donkey. They finished in the classroom by colouring in fruit salad.

What a successful afternoon, we cannot wait for you to come back and have more fun with us at Casa Nostra. See you soon!

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