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Giant treble clef

Last day of music week and we are very sad to see it end! All the students have really thrived this week because music is a universal language that everyone can understand.

Class three did a spelling test this morning which improved their spelling and vocabulary on music terms. They all put in their best effort.Then the students made their own musical crosswords to swap and try to solve. The students also had a great time swimming and riding Perla the donkey and created a large poster as a class.

Class one enjoyed their last day colouring in different musical instruments. They also went to the

vegtable garden and picked some tomatoes for the cook to make our delicious bologanse lunch. They helped to feed the ponies. Then in the afternoon they all watched a musical cartoon to further their English knowledge on music. The teachers Antonia and Ariana helped the students to paint their hands and create a giant treble clef with the cut outs.

Class two colored a Scottish man playing the bagpipes to learn about different music in different countries. They also had a great time creating some castanets out of cardboard and recycled bottle tops and glitter and goggly eyes ( to make the castanets in to little monsters).

Today was an exciting and fun filled way to end music week. All the students are looking forward to the next weeks theme human body.

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