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Superheroes week

Granja Escola Casa Nostra started off the month of August with a KAPOW, FLASH, BANG. This weeks theme is heroes and we've been discovering superheroes powers and what it means to be a real life hero. Class 1 started their Monday learning hero themed vocabulary, learning to say and spell the words cape, fly and superhero. The children used their creativity super power to colour in Spiderman, and make sweet pizza dough in the outdoor kitchen. They also jumped as high as they could on the trampoline whilst making superhero sounds together. Class 2 carried on the theme of super heroes; they flew to feed the chickens and used super-speed to collect the eggs and brush Pearla the donkey. Stay tuned to see what super powers they learn this week that they can use to help you at home! Class 3 all discussed what it means to be an actual hero. They used new and more advanced adjectives to describe and create their own heroes. They put their new vocabulary to the test by writing personal profiles of their own hero and used their team work and communication skills to draw and paint a class poster representing this weeks theme. We can't wait to see what powers we'll use tomorrow. BANG- we're out of here. *Flies away*

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