Delicious bread
This Saturday morning at farm school, the older children began their time at the kitchen to make some chocolate and beetroot brownies. This time to make their brownies different the group used different muffin moulds to make interesting shapes from the cooked batter.
The younger children began at the garden and got to work watering all the rows of fruit and vegetables. They then planted half a tray of onions and collected all the biggest green peppers that they could find. They collected enough to fill two baskets. Everyone has noticed just how much the courgettes have grown. When it was the turn for the older children to work in the garden they planted the rest of the onions. David used the dibber to prepare the ground for the onions and Gina quickly helped plant the onions.
When they visited the animals, the younger children in the group collected all the chicken eggs. Such a lot of eggs. We were all amazed. Some of the group had donkey rides from Perla. Toni enjoyed taking a trip around the area on Perla. When it was the turn of the older children, everyone in the group teamed together to help capture the naughty ponies who tried to escape. The older children helped groom Viletta’s coat. They also tried to see if the peacocks would display their tail feathers. The older children had a go at handfeeding the goats some of the grain. They had to be brave and hold the food in such a way to let the goats and sheep eat without biting fingers or hands.
The younger children had their turn cooking and making some interesting dough shapes into moons and stars to follow the theme of space.
The older children tried out some new karaoke songs and had a go with playing a game with music tubes to create a rhythm. After the younger children did their cooking they made some space mobiles with space shapes. The older children decided that they wanted to help the younger children by cutting out and stringing the shapes onto the mobile, which was very thoughtful of them.
We all decided after our hard work, we would go to eat our treats of bread and brownies.