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Pizza day

At the start of farm school, today, some children, from both groups, were gathering some delicious red strawberries to eat. All the younger children watered the vegetables and fruit and collected the last of one row of potatoes. There were enough potatoes to fill up the green wagon. Banu collected one of the biggest artichokes. Elsewhere on the farm, the older children went to look after the animals. Jan did a tremendous job with feeding the chickens a little bit of food. He also collected sixteen eggs altogether.

Both groups then swapped around. The younger children had a go at letting a chicken feed from her hand. She was very brave to do this. The older children went to the garden and picked some lettuce.

The older children then got ready to make a pizza. Everyone helped to create the dough. Jan and Joanna poured in some of the ingredients. We all decided our toppings and added sweetcorn and cheese. The younger children took part in an activity where they were telling the difference between fruits and vegetable. They chose a fruit and vegetable each to create a poster and labelled their choices. The also listened to a story about stars.

While the pizzas were cooking, the older children went to do their activity which was based on the theme of memories. The group created snap-shot pictures with a good quote or an important message to them. Cata’s was funny and it had a good message. At the same time, the younger children were doing their cooking. This time, Gina and Joan helped to measure and pour in the ingredients to the mixer.

As soon as the older children had completed their messages, they had the chance to eat their yummy pizzas. The younger children had some time to enjoy the warm and bright weather by having a short time to play. Very soon they too enjoyed their delicious cupcakes.

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