The very hungry caterpillar
What an interesting day we had at farm school today. We were looking at the theme of change!
We first of all helped with planting the peppers Aleix helped make the holes with the dibber to plant the peppers. Maria, Sergi and Alex made sure these had plenty of water. We also collected the beans. Theo and Guillem collected so many. Everyone grabbed a watering can to set about watering the fruit and vegetables.
Before we left the vegetable garden, we noticed beautiful pink blossom growing on the peach trees. There is so many flower blossoms that there looks like there will be many peaches growing there very soon. Judit was very good at explaining through using the lemon tree, how the fruit grows after the flower has died. We were very lucky to spot one lonely Mandarin growing on its tree. We all got a chance to eat piece of mandarin. It was sweet and delicious.
Before we did any cooking, Maria and Alex had a practice at breaking an egg each. They did very well not to get any eggshell into the bowl. Julia and Gillam also had a go at this too. We mixed the egg and poured it on top of the bread cheese and onion to make a mini quiche.
We noticed a rainbow in the sky, when we went to get our quiches. Siobhan told us the legend of seeing a rainbow on St Patrick’s day. We thought that maybe, there might be a pot of gold at one end of the rainbow. I think we were too far away to reach it. We all enjoyed our hot quiches, they were a pleasant treat to have on a dull day, like today.
We went inside to read the short story called ‘The very hungry caterpillar’. Sara and Siobhan took turns to read a page each and we talked about how we painted a butterfly, because they are about change. We saw how the hungry caterpillar ate so much and then began his change into the most beautiful butterfly. We ended our time by singing some songs. Theo chose the song ‘Alice the camel and he did some excellent acting with Aleix, Judit, Jordi, and Julia as five spotty frogs. Lastly we said good bye to Theo, who is moving far away to an island. We, at Granja Escola, will miss Theo and we hope he has a good time in his new island home.