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Three little pigs

Today was such an exciting and busy day here at Casa Nostra! This morning we welcomed lots of new children and were able to show them all the fun things to do here at Casa Nostra. First of all we all went to the vegetable garden where we planted a whole new row of peas! Bilma, Clara, David and Aina work together and used the watering pipe to water the artichokes. Once we planted the peas, we watered them all to make sure they would grow really big. We also picked the big green peas, watered all the vegetables and weeded the garden.

After, we headed off to see the animals where all the children were able to ride Perla the donkey. Elsa and Glenda had lots of fun! We then went and saw the chickens where the children collected 3 eggs and were able to hold the chickens and ducks. Adria managed to catch and hold two chickens at once! The children also brushed Valentine till he was nice and soft.

Before it started raining, all the children head outside to have lots of fun! Valeria, Bilma, Elsa, Adria and many others enjoyed bouncing really high on the trampoline. Whilst the other children had lots of fun doing other activities. Such as visiting the goats and sheep, playing on the toy cars, going on the swing or climbing up the castle!

Once we got back to the classroom, we read ´The 3 Little Pigs´ in preparation for the drama we was going to do at the end of the day. The children had fun counting the pigs and pretending to blow the house´s down. After, we used brown paint to turn the cardboard into houses. Then we added straw to one house, sticks to the other and painted bricks on the last house. Once the houses were created, we had to turn the children into pigs or wolves. We did this by creating masks and using plastic bags for the body. Once everything was prepared, we were then able to perform the drama to music! The children who were wolves had fun scaring the pigs and the pigs had lots of fun playing and hiding behind the houses. The children did an excellent job and the performance was fantastic. All their hard work paid off!

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