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Cow shelter

Today started off with the children creating their very own Supermouse, which they decorated and then made their own sliding eyes for. They also made masks which they decorated and stuck to lollipop sticks so they could hold them to their faces and then transform into their characters. Our trip to the vegetable garden was very exciting as the beans that we planted a few weeks ago had grown into runner beans and we were able to pick them and the children took them home. We also picked tomatoes, corgettes and peppers which were used for today´s lunch. The kids mastered their hula hooping skills after breakfast as they span the hoops around their waists and rolled them across the floor to each other. The pinata also had its second layer today and so it should be completed by the end of the week and be

ready to be filled with sweets and prizes! The older children also finished their world switch board today which they started in World week, these were very impressive and looked amazing when they were all connected and lit up. After lunch we made our own money boxes out of bottle ends and paper and then decorated them with paint. We did lots of jumping on the trampoline and swimming in the pool. Joel and Xavi also impressed everyone with their flips into the swimming pool. The children made brownies for their snack, they really enjoyed eating all the left over mixture! After their snacks the children went to help Jordi with making more bricks for the cow shelter, they came back covered in mud, but having had real fun!

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