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Monkey dance, islands and Microbes


This week we have become quite good at our dance moves in PE! We have been stretching, shaking and moving to rhythms. The song that we are learning is 'Do the Monkey’ by The Wiggles. The children really enjoy this song and are doing well at making the animal movements in time. We incorporated Numeracy in Cooking this week when we iced cupcakes with numbers. We also enjoyed joining Primary Choir time as we are learning the song, 'Naughty’ for the show, ‘Matilda’. Finally, we practised writing our names by painting in Art today.


In Primary we have had a big art project on our hands. We have been making islands from papier mâché and decorating them. We have imagined our own islands and drawn maps of them and we have shared our ideas with the class using new vocabulary to talk about natural landscapes. This all links in with our Science and Topic learning, as well as with Shape and Space in maths and coordinates.

Some of us have been working really hard at learning the words to some of the Matilda songs, and we are enjoying practising and learning our scenes. We are now more than halfway through Roald Dahl’s Matilda. We are discovering what a dreadful character the Trunchball is!



In English Language we have concentrated on adverbs and adverbial phrases. In English Literature we have continued to work on understanding character motivation in Bradley's story. Some of us did another exam this week to chart our current level with more accuracy.


At geometry we have learned that there are different types of angles, and the one we are going to use more is the RIGHT ANGLE. For instance we have the right-angled triangle. The side that is opposite to the right angle is called HYPOTENUSE. Level 2 is starting to learn how to draw a perpendicular line to one given.


The pupils are preparing their presentation for Primary about Night Sky Elements (Stars, Planets, Meteorites...). They are being conscient that is difficult to teach something to the little ones and keep them motivated for the subject.


We have learned the properties of METAL ELEMENTS: they are sonorous, they are hard, they are dense, they are good electrical and thermal conductors, they are malleable and ductile (you can make wires!). Some of these properties make metals like gold or iron very useful.


We have started the chapter about Microbes, and learned that there are many types of them: algae, protozoa, bacteries, viruses...The only way we can see these microorganisms is through microscopes: light microscope or electron microscopes depending how big and detailed you want to see your specimen.

We have been watching specimens through a school microscope. The specimens were not bacteries and not viruses. For that we would need an electron microscope. But watching a celery leaf or a cucumber ovary can also be interesting to observe and draw!


This week in Geography class we learned more about plans (aerial view of a place) and everything we need to know to draw a plan to scale. We also learned about the Rule of Three, a very useful and easy operation that helped us solve the book exercises related to scale drawing. At the end, we had some spare time for: kahoot!


This week in History class we studied the Bayeux Tapestry the way historians do. Is this a reliable source? For this, we talked about critical thinking and how to judge the sources. We asked many questions. Who is the author? When did he sew it? Did he fight in the battle? Why did he decide to tell the history of the battle with pictures instead of writing it? After answering that, we know better if we should trust or not what we see on the tapestry.

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