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Saint Jordi

This week in English, we started writing our non-fiction reports about electricity. We had to remember to use capital letters, full stops and our phonics knowledge to help us. We will continue with this next week. In Maths, we continued learning about place value. Some of us have been learning how to read, write and represent numbers up to 999! In Phonics we have been learning about our phase 5 sounds. It’s becoming tricky to work out which phoneme to use so we have some helpful cards on the wall which we are using to help us! At the beginning of the week, the school took to the streets of Llinars to sell books and roses for St Jordi. Well done to all who took part. The older children learned how to tell the time in analogue, 12hour and 24hour format. This culminated in the making of a sun dial on Friday, where we observed the length of shadows before recording our findings on a bar chart. In English, we learned how to speak and write in Indirect Speech, also known as Recorded Speech. And in PE, the children developed their own Invasion games using the cones.

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