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Maritime museum

This week, the older children have been concentrating mainly on English, Maths and Science in class. During the week, we braved the cold weather to make snowmen on the playground. We all had lots of fun on our trip to the Maritime Museum earlier in the week. This included a virtual underwater tour where we were able to demonstrate all our knowledge of sea turtles, octopi and jelly fish! This week in our Phonics lessons, the Year 1 and 2s have been learning how to write CCVC and CVCC words (C= consonant and V= vowel). We have been working really hard at hearing all of the sounds in the words. In English, we have been learning about rhyming words. Next week, we will begin to write some rhyming couplets linked to our Under The Sea topic. We will write these rhyming couplets as calligrams; we can’t wait to share them with you! In Maths, we have been learning about 2d shapes. We have been plotting and drawing them, naming and describing them and have begun to look at lines of symmetry using mirrors.

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