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Solving riddles

We started the day in Casa Nostra with lots of energy and what a fabulous day we have all had.

In class 1 we had Maria who was really good at gardening, she watered all the plants on her own. Luca rode “Perla”. Mark was fantastic in coloring in and Quim did a good job with matching the vegetables with its colors.

In class 2 Bienca rode our nice donkey, she also learnt how to spell some vegetable words. The students made their own caterpillar hungry book and everybody did a nice job and Jan really got into it. Teo was really good by spelling the words.

In class 3 the activity was solving riddles, which was really fun and all the students really liked it specially Núria and Aleix. Aran was good in the kitchen he helped a lot in backing. Aina rode “Perla”. Martí was good at gardening and enjoyed it very much.

All the groups have had so much fun and have learnt a lot at the same time.

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