Bye bye summer school
Wow last day of Summer school! What a beautiful journey all the classes have gone through over the summer. The students have learned and been immersed in the English language. With the help of all the teachers and the fun
farm activities.
Class one started the morning with some colouring in and a puzzle. Then they visited the goats and gave them some snacks. In the afternoon the class watched a cartoon called The Magic School Bus learning more about their own bodies.
Class two learned all about the five senses and did a lovely worksheet to help them along. Class two also had a musical day and learned two songs 'Head Shoulders Knees and Toes' and 'The Skeleton Dance'. In addition they drew around their hands and feet and created some artwork for the classroom using their bodies.
Class three had a very busy fun filled day. First they learnt about the different organ systems and their functions in our body's. Then they heard some crazy facts about the body. After they went to go see the animals and have a swim they drew life sized diagrams of where the organs are placed in their own bodies. Later class three baked chocolate chip cookies to end of another sweet week.
Thankyou to all the parents and the children for a fantastic summer.