The beanstalk
Today was a last day of plants week and it was a great ending for the week.
Class 1 worked on the classic story of jack and the beanstalk and they made his castle. They sang some songs like “one potato two potatoes”. They watched a movie as it was raining, they had the face painting and they played dominoes. Today the student had the lunch in the class and Martina and Jana from oldest group went to class one and helped to set the tables, thank you Jana and Martina.
The class 2 finished their booklets, played some games on the board with the names of the fruits and their pictures. They draw different fruits in their notebooks and learnt how to spell them, listened to some songs and watch short films while it was raining.
In the class 3 as usual of Fridays they had quiz and the winners were “super plant”. They had a list of herbs, flowers and plants and they had to organize them in different categories. They watched “spongebob”.
Normally all groups go to vegetable garden, visit the animals and go to swimming pool but today each group missed one of these activities because of the rain. For the snack we had cupcakes.
I think with the weather today we are more than ready for the sea and ocean week.