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Four seasons

Today at the farm school. We were thinking about the four seasons. Spring, summer, winter and autumn.

As it was a very rainy morning this morning, we did not need to water the vegetables and the fruit, so we gave the watering cans a rest today. There were so many puddles to splash in, lucky we were wearing our wellies! Luca gave his toy crocodile a bath.

We counted the artichokes and the strawberries and we collected some peas. We planted a row of onions in a row. David helped to count the artichokes there were at least twenty-six of them.

We decided to give Perla and Villetta a day off today. Instead we gave the ponies and donkeys a spa day. Gina brushed Perla’s coat. We collected sixteen eggs to take back to the kitchen. Aneu quickly caught one of the biggest chicken. We visited the goats next and everyone was excited to allow floquet to jump on our knees. Yemna was floquet’s new friend today.

After we ate our breakfast, we made our pizza. Judith collected some spinach from the garden, we used some tomato sauce, some sweet corn and cheese. All these colours were used to represent the many different colours that can be seen in the four seasons. We made a four seasons pizza.

After our pizzas were put in the ovens, we went into the school room to create our seasons picture. We divided the page into four sections and labelled each one with the season names and we then coloured with paints or pencils, all the things that can be seen in the different seasons. Txell and Asier did a fantastic job with theirs.

The story we read today was called ‘ Oliver’s Vegetables’, everyone listened very well. Especially when we heard about the different vegetables that grew in his grandfather’s garden. Mae listened very carefully to the story.

We ate our delicious pizzas and ended our time at farm school today, singing some of the songs we knew.

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