Planting lettuce, courgettes and broccoli
Today at Casa Nostra the oldest children went to the vegetable garden to plant lettuce, courgettes and broccoli! They were so excited they went down straight away and luckily for us they did a very good job. Firstly they had to dig holes in the soil, then they had to plant the plants very carefully, and ensure they were all spaced far enough away from each other. Finally, they watered the plants to make sure they all grow big, delicious vegetables.
After all of the hard work in the vegetable garden, the older children had a lovely treat and went to the park where they loved playing on the roundabout and zipwire.
Whilst all of this was going on, the younger children had a brilliant morning making lots of crafts. Some made animal masks out of paper plates, glitter and paint, whilst other children finished off their papermache balls. When the papermache balls were complete, we decorated them with paints and glitter to make very beautiful fish. The children finished them off with colouring in the fins for the fish with different coloured pencils.
The children had such a fun morning doing crafts they wanted to make more, so we made colourful parrots out of card. We gave them each a stencil, which they cut out and decorated with lots of feathers, sequins and glitter. The final product was amazing!
In the afternoon the older children had fun organising a treasure hunt for the younger ones. They hid clues in the garden which the children had to find and when they had found all of the clues, they were very kindly rewarded with sweets!
Whilst we´re talking about food... the children had very full bellies going home today as they all asked for second helpings of paella which they had for lunch! This was followed closely by scrumptious brownies.
To finish the day, the children had great fun decorating the pinata ready for tomorrow mornings antics. Make sure you check back tomorrow for the photos of the pinata exploding with sweets!